Tuesday, June 20, 2006


And the Score Is...

690. I have to say that I am slightly disappointed since 700 was my bogey, but I still consider it a modest success. 82% verbal, 87% quant, which is pretty much in line with my practice tests.

It all went pretty well, no horrible glitches or questions that totally wrecked me. I managed to finish each section. And the AWA questions were pretty straightforward. But, I do think that I screwed up a REALLY easy quant question early on (one of the first five or six), which everyone knows is a no-no. If I had gotten that one right, maybe I would have broken the 700 barrier. Who knows.

So, I guess I am somewhat relieved, because I feel like I know I can do this (get a decent score). And the "experts" say that anyone can get in with a 690 if the rest of their app is good.

But, I feel like I can't quite let it go. This is killing me... Should I take it again??

If I were you, I probably will not take it again. One shot of a decent score looks better than two or multiple scores in my eyes.

Good luck to the rest of app.
Don't take it again. You have a good score. Focus on the application. At this point that is more important.
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